Welcome to
Lot 361 Sioux Trails Addition/Dutch Hollow Lake
Located on Matterhorn Dr.
A glorious spot for your
new home or cabin! Gently sloping to the rear so you could have a terrific
walk-out lower level and deck above. Pretty views of the country-side right
across the street. Priced low to make it easier for you to own! .48
A nice spot for your home!
Looking towards the street from he center of the lot...uphill...perfect for an
exposed lower level style home. Pretty County Views from the Streetside
A great location for commuting as well...get on a main road
You'll love living here!
Taxes: $47.70 (2022)
Dutch Hollow Property Owner's Association Dues $505/Yearly (2023)
Dutch Hollow Lake
Lots For Sale
Homes For Sale
More Lake Information? Click Here to Receive Your Personalized Dutch
Hollow Lake Information Packet!!!****
E-Mail The JulieSells Team
Friend In Real Estate"
Julie Alibrando, GRI, Broker-Associate
Licensed In Wisconsin
Certified Residential Specialist
100 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 56
LaValle, WI 53941
608-985-8484 LaValle Office
608-524-0600 Reedsburg
Designed & Maintained by Julie Alibrando, JulieSells LLC all
rights reserved