22 Dutch Hollow ~Dutch Hollow Lake
Located on Dutch Hollow Drive
Enjoy life on a quiet cul
de sac at Dutch Hollow Lake. Level building site with a super wooded backdrop.
Loads of wildlife and pretty seasonal long range country views to enjoy.
Buy while prices are still when you feel like it!

GIS Aerial View

The level building site leads you to the back of your lot...a pretty wooded
hillside with long range country views in winter!

Views of the lot from the rear looking to the road

Excellent Location! Greenway to the rear & side so nobody will ever build on
top of you!!!
Taxes: $70.07 (2022)
Association Fee $505 (2023)
Dutch Hollow Lake
Lots For Sale
Homes For Sale
E-Mail The JulieSells Team
Friend In Real Estate"
Julie Alibrando, GRI, Broker-Associate
Licensed In Wisconsin
Certified Residential Specialist
100 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 56
LaValle, WI 53941
608-985-8484 LaValle Office
608-963-1093 Text
608-524-0600 Reedsburg Link
Designed & Maintained by Julie Alibrando, JulieSells LLC all
rights reserved